June Mindbenders

Putting Them Together

Claire is doing a 500-piece jigsaw.  Having put together all the pieces along the edges, she takes individual pieces and tries to fit them in the puzzle around the inside edge.

Soon she wonders if it is a better strategy to put together clusters of pieces and then join them up.  She thinks about the number of ‘moves’ it would take to solve the jigsaw, a move being the joining together of two portions of the jigsaw, whether a portion is a single piece or several pieces already joined together.

How should Claire proceed to minimise the number of moves made in fitting all the pieces together?


The Common Word

Find the word that fits after the first word and before the second to make a compound word or phrase.  (Example: life JACKET potato, as in life-jacket, jacket potato.)

  1. jet … hole
  2. cross … search
  3. road … post
  4. traveller’s … book
  5. paper … training


Matchstick Puzzles

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Remove three matches and move three to leave five squares.


Starting with the same pattern, move four matches and remove two to leave eight squares.


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